Thursday, September 27, 2012


This summer was soo fun! It did go by way to fast but the memories will last forever. I have not had the chance to write about it because ever since I decided to go back to school life has been insane. I can't believe I'm already finished with my second week. It's flown by so I hope that the rest of my 2 years will as well. I'm feeling alot more comfortable getting back into the swing of things. I.e. waking up super early 6am to get to school on time, traffic, LOTS of homework, little sleep, the feeling of no more brain capacity and making new friends. So anyway, school, so far so good!
SUMMER- We had so much fun this summer going on lots of camping trips and family vacations.

(Yes, that's peanut on the boat with us in his life jacket)

Josh and I decided to spend time in Las Vegas before driving over to California for our family vacation together. We got started seeing the sites in Vegas, walking all over the strip and touring the enormous hotels. We saw almost every free show there was and ate like kings at the Belligo's Buffet. YUM! We stayed at Treasure Island in a nice suite overlooking the strip. We also went to the Pawn Stars shop which was fun since Josh and I really like that show. It looked very different inside than the show protrays. They definitly make it look alot better on tv; as with everything I assume. Also went to the MOB Museum, it was awesome! So many cool facts and exibits about Mobsters throughout the years. Very cool museum. I recommended that too.

The most memorable part of our summer was for sure though being with our family. We met up in Carlsbad, CA and stayed at the brand new Carlsbad Hilton Grand Vacations Resort. It was amazing! Brand new and steps from the beach. We had a fun beach day just enjoying the sun and being with each other. Josh loved boggie boarding, I did'nt try it since everyone who did seemed to be getting an awful indian burn on their bellies. It did'nt look to appealing after that. Anyway we loved SeaWorld and the SanDeigo Zoo. I personally loved SeaWorld the most. I have never seen a killer whale in person, dolphins or tons of other things SeaWorld offers. If you have the chance to go...hands down WORTH IT! We spent half our days navigating SeaWorld and the other exploring the SanDeigo Zoo. The Zoo is also a very cool place, ALOT to see! The Lion's I think by far were the coolest next to the HUGE Elephants and Giraffes. It would be awesome to see them in the wild. We had tickets to the Safari Park but had so much fun between SeaWorld and the Zoo we decided to spent all our time at those parks.

Josh and I had a blast with our family, ALL of them. We especially enjoyed bonding with our neice K.D. and nephews Gavin and Conner. They are so sweet, full of life and love. After school is out we hope to have a family of our own. We will see what god has in store for us.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Summer has flown by and omg it's SEPTEMBER! Can we rewind back to the start of the summer?I start school in alittle over a week and I feel like i'm getting ready for high school all over again, I honestly never thought i'd go back to school since I could never find anything in my opinion going to school for. My decision to go back to school was a fast one (literally deciding one night to enroll in the occupational therapy program) But God works in mysteries ways and I know it is meant to be.About 2 years ago I was rearended by a a driver on the freeway and as a result had to seek treatment for several months. In that time I was offered a job at a chiropractors office which in itself was a huge blessing for the employment change. A co-worker of mine was just starting the Occupational Therapy program at that same time. Because of her I also will be completing that program because of all of the wonderful things I know occupational therapy can do to help people improve there quality of life. I'm excited to make a difference everyday I go to work. I find it amazing that my life took a complete u-turn from that day. As I'm sure many more things will change in the years to come life is amazing, exciting and nerve racking all at the same time. It's a good feeling. Josh has been extremely supportive durning this time when we are relying much on faith to make sure this was the best decision at this time for our family. Once I complete school I will graduate will my Associates Degree and be COTA certified, I will be taking the National exam so I can practice anywhere in the United States. We are planning to make the move across the country once school is completed. This will as well be a leap of faith but we know it will be worth it in more than one way. But one thing is for sure eastcoasters don't do well here in the northwest ;)

Josh and I are doing well, excited to start this new adventure and everything that comes with it. Will post pictures soon of our AMAZING trip to Las Vegas and San Deigo this past August! Things are just crazy...