Monday, June 24, 2013

I'm 24.

So... depressing as it is, I have now celebrated yet another birthday and I'm 24. One more year and it's all downhill. ;) I can't believe how fast the time has gone by especially since I've started school. I'm already almost done. Well, this time next year I'll be graduated, so close enough right? It's late and I'm tired but I'm sitting here just taking the rare moment to ponder, dream, and reflect on things I rarely give myself a chance to think about. I'm so grateful for my family and my friends. Nothing can beat the special feeling you get on your birthday. At least for me. My birthday's have always been a big deal (blame my parents, they have always spoiled me on that day) You would think that as the years go by they wouldn't be as special but yet again I had the best birthday. I was surrounded by people that I love and that's all that matters. It's the people around you that you love and care about that make that day great. I think on birthday's those people become more obvious to you than ever. My goal this year is to do a better job of strengthening my relationships. It has never been a strong strength of mine (staying in touch) but as I get older I realize how important relationships are. I have a wonderful example, Josh, who helps me see that. Josh took me to the melting pot for the 1st time which was delicious and so much fun! I had a great time with him. I always do. He's the best. So 24th birthday a success.
I don't have anything else to report life is great and I am enjoying it everyday.

We have a very busy summer planned and I'm sure it will be over before we know it so we are basking in every minute of it! Enjoy everybody!